Why sponsor Horsepower?
Team Horsepower 4991 strives to encourage a lifelong love of STEM through fostering leadership and innovation in high school students to prepare them for the real world. Horsepower relies solely on sponsors and donations - anything helps!
How will I benefit?
Free advertising and spread word about your company
Have your company’s name/logo on team shirts or other accessories (depending on level of donation)
Give back to your local community
Leave an impact on the future leaders of STEM
*You do not need to be a business to donate
Entry fee: ~$6,000 per competition
Robot parts: $5,000
Food: $3,000
Game elements for practice: $1,000
Outreach events: $1,000-$3,000
2023 Charged Up Sponsors
2022 Rapid React Sponsors
Family Contributors
Radzanowski Family
Ilhan Family