Week 2 Recap
As we are ending our second week of build season, we reflected on all the progress we have made thus far. The build team is actively working on the finalization of their prototypes for the shooting, inake, and storage mechanisms. The others on the build team are working hard to finish our game elements. We started the week off with a successful shooting design, and some team bonding basketball games.
The business team has their hands full developing a new team logo, website, along with planning fundraisers and community events. Members also set up an event at the Varsity Boys Basketball game on February 21st. New information sheets were made with decorations for the upcoming event.
We started off our last day of work for the week with team building exercises. Members split into four randomly selected teams and had to collaborate in order to transport balls into bins, without being able to use their hands or feet. We also played a kahoot game with this years game rules!
This week we were very successful building prototypes and setting up future fundraisers! We are eager to get to week 3!
Head mentor Jeff and Team members Shane and Arpan work on prototypes
The Team plays a game of Kahoot to review the Infinite Recharge game rules