Week 3 Recap
As Horsepower closes out the third week of build we are proud to announce prototyping has ended and we are starting our final build! We had a few challenges but we are quickly working through them and can’t wait to see our final product. We made a final decision that we will be going with to store the Power Cells, and decided on using the rotary method of storing. We will have a wheel in the middle of the robot with spaces cut out that the cells will rest in. We also finalized that we will have a shooter mechanism with both an adjustable hood, and the ability to rotate 360 degrees, to be able to hit the target from all areas on the field. On Saturday after a long discussion and comparison of different intakes, it was decided that we would be using an intake that will roll the Power Cells up over the bumper, and into the robot, using a mixture of both compliant wheels and a long pipe with grip attached.
Business team has taken on the task of Chairman’s award. We’ve been working hard to get the essay done and continue to work on video ideas.
During the week we also visited the Varsity Boy’s Basketball game. We set up a table outside and gave out teachers. In between the third and fourth quarters we drove the robot around the gym for everyone to see.
- Jack and Kelsey
Team members Paige, Jack, and Clare show off the robot to basketball game attendees
Team member Maxim gives out pins at the Horsepower table